A clean theme to show your projects
HUS (which means “House” in swedish) is a new modern and minimalist WordPress Theme for architect studios with an elegant and rocking presentation, built with Bootstrap 4 and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro. Ideal for particular professional architects, architecture/design studios looking for a quick and easy solution for his portfolios, services and web entrepreneurships. Template is fast loading, with quick options to configure and is compatible with WPML and Loco Translate. Also its expandable with more Custom Fields with ACF and a Child Theme can be used for developers or more demanding WordPress users.
Theme Features
- Totally Responsive Design
- Clean Menus and Navbar
- Minimalist Homepage
- Column select
- Isotope Filtering
- Rectangled, Squared or Masonry styling selector for posts and works
- Black and White or Colored mode selectors
- Rounded or angled corner selector
- Main image format selector
- Works posts with sliders and cards creator in two modes: normal and sliding
- Single posts with full information of productions
- Add Collaborators as custom taxonomies
- Page Templates
- Templates to show all Collaborators and Works
- 4 Different Home Templates
- 404 Page Customizer
- Authors Page
- Sidebar Widgets for Archives, Posts and Footer
- Search box in modal window
- Dark Mode Switcher
- Lot of Custom Color Selectors
- Contact Form 7 Compatible
- Loco Translate and WPML Compatible
Version 1.0.6 – July 2022
- Demo updated
- Compatible with WP 6.0
- Added new functions to Theme Settings
- Fixed some CSS bugs
Version 1.0.5
- Demo updated
- Compatible with WP 5.8.2
- Included Theme Updater
Version 1.0.4
- Demo updated
Version 1.0.3
- Demo updated
- Compatibility with WP 5.7.1 and PHP 8
- Improved files
- Changed webfont to Spartan
Version 1.0.2
- Demo updated
- Compatibility with WP 5.5 and PHP 7.4
- Removed Ekko Lightbox script
- Added Child Theme
Version 1.0.1
- Fixes on some CSS classes
- Fixed Dropdown Menu
- Added All Categories page template
- Collaborator taxonomy page fixed
Version 1.0
- Initial release